----------------------------------------- For converting angular app to android app ----------------------------------------- 1. ng add @capacitor/angular --for android-- 2. npm i @capacitor/android --for ios-- 2. npm i @capacitor/ios --run the ng build command again-- 3. ng build 4. npx cap add android 'OR' npx cap add ios 5. npx cap sync 6. npx cap open android this above will open it in android studio but Android Studio is a must have! Download: (https://developer.android.com/studio?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtiwGgW4UgmBceBwpBydevBBUtErk6wUBH7-MULzDzdx7gE-oFlRcHBoC-fcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) ng add @capacitor/angular will create a file capacitor.config.ts in this file change 'webDir' to create android build of desired build (like for staging write dist/staging) wait for gradle builds and necessary API version before running the app go to device manager and add a medium device select next and then choose api (I choose tiramisu) select finish, open the app by clicking run it will start emulator load the and build the app in emulator and will start it after installing to create an apk build, select files from top navigation bar, select builds and then select bundle build > Build(Apk) it will create an apk. Output will come click on locate to locate the apk in your android studio